SLAS conference

Beautiful Recruitment Joins SLAS in San Diego: Championing Early Career Professionals

We’re thrilled to share that Emma Dempsey, Director of Beautiful Recruitment, was recently invited to attend the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) in San Diego!

Emma had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Early Careers Professionals Roundtable Power Hour, alongside a diverse panel of esteemed professionals, including representatives from UCLA and Bristol Myers Squibb, to name but a few.

This roundtable discussion was specifically designed to support students and early-career professionals by providing direct access to industry leaders in an intimate, roundtable setting. Attendees had the chance to ask questions, gain career insights, and receive expert advice from those shaping the future of laboratory automation and screening.

SLAS is at the forefront of advancing research and innovation, this year attracting more than 7000 life sciences researchers, academicians, laboratory automation technology providers, and business leaders from 43 countries.

Widely recognised for offering invaluable resources including international conferences, scientific publishing, continuing education programs, grants, scholarships, and professional networking opportunities all aimed at advancing research and career development in the life sciences industry.

At Beautiful Recruitment, we are passionate about supporting the next generation of scientific talent, and Emma’s involvement in SLAS reflects our commitment to mentorship, career growth, and industry collaboration.

Emma commented about her time at SLAS “I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the ECP initiatives at SLAS. My thanks to SLAS for inviting me to be part of their inspirational initiatives for Early Careers Professionals. It was a true honour and privilege to get involved with this and to meet so many Women In STEM too! What an event! I can’t wait for Boston 2026!”

If you’re looking to hire right now, or searching for your next career move then email us at or call  +44 (0) 203 9111 000.

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